Friday, June 10, 2011

Food Storage Friendly Friday - Meal Idea and Tip of the Week

This spring has been a very hard one for most everyone everywhere. If you have not been affected by an earthquake, tornado, severe rain storms, high winds and twisters, wild fires, mudslides or flooding you are in the minority and probably know people who have. It is far from over.

The fires are still raging in Arizona and threatening many homes and businesses as well as power lines. Flood waters are still raging and forcing many from their homes as well as leaving lots of destruction in the water's paths. Life will never be the same for many people. What a sad state of affairs. I just heard yesterday that much of the potato seed planted in Washington state has rotted in the ground. Many farmers in the Midwest are just now able to plant crops, much later then usual. Many, many acres of farmland are in terrible shape with some still under water. I don't need to tell anyone how bad things are in places.

I've had conversations with a several people from various locations who tell of not only the destruction that has taken place recently but of the bleak outlook for the future. Crops in many areas will be smaller or nonexistent this year, meaning shortages of many food stuffs. Higher gas prices, both in the fields and for the trucking industry, will drive all prices up in the food that is available.

One report I heard this past week stated that the availability of food, both fresh and canned or frozen, will sharply diminish by fall. This statement was made with a postscript which stated that "we don't want people to panic, but..." I don't know about you, but that really scares me.

The tip for this week is just to take a look at your shelves. Make an estimate of how long you could live on what you have in your home, this very minute. Decide on what you really need, not the frills, to make your situation better and stock up as best you can now. If you are growing a garden, plan to take advantage and can everything you are able to get from your garden. Watch sales and stock up on things you need. If you are not working on your food storage yet, it's time to start.

I decided to choose one area where I need to improve and work on that until I feel better about it. I am trying to use more whole wheat. I'm making bread, something I have not done as much of since becoming an empty nester. I'm making more rolls and my hamburger and hot dog buns. I figure that anything I can do to become more self-sufficient is a good thing.

I have just about printed all of the Food Storage Friendly Recipes sent in by readers. If you have more, please feel free to email them to me at I would now like to focus for awhile on Whole wheat recipes, either breads and rolls or any recipe using whole wheat. If you have favorites or a good way that you use whole wheat in your cooking, send your idea or recipe to me and I'll print it. Thanks to all who have sent recipes.

Today's recipe comes from one of my faithful friends in Arizona. Jeri has sent me so many good recipes and ideas for using food storage. She loves learning to use it in all of her recipes and has even sent me recipes from her friends. I have enjoyed getting to know her better as we have chatted through emails and I appreciate the input and ideas she has sent. Thanks, Jeri.

Shepherd's Pie – Jeri B. Arizona
1 can of green beans
1 pint of hamburger
1 can of beef gravy
Minced dried onions
Garlic salt to taste
mashed potatoes made with water and/or dried or canned milk and from potato flakes for topping
Cheese (optional)
Layer green beans, hamburger, onions and gravy in casserole. Put mashed potatoes that have been made out of milk, potato flakes and water (and butter or use some olive oil) on top. Bake at 350 until hot and starting to brown on top. If I didn't have butter I would use a little olive oil on top. And if I had dried cheese stored, I would use some cheese on top. Canned French's fried onions make a good topping also, but I would put them on the last 3-5 minutes of baking only.

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