If you like beans but don’t like the usual affect they have on your digestive system, this bean is for you. The Anasazi beans were new to me when I found them in December, but after trying them I am definitely going to buy more to put in my storage and we will for sure be having beans on a more regular basis. I can’t wait to try these beans in some of my favorite bean recipes.
This ancient heirloom bean has unusual red and white markings. It has a soft creamy texture, is a little sweeter than other beans, and is considered an unusually tasty baking bean.
It is said that these beans do not need to be soaked in order to cook them. I have not tried cooking without soaking but did not soak overnight. They definitely cooked much quicker than traditional beans.
My very favorite part of this bean, is that there was ABSOLUTELY NO gastric discomfort from eating these beans that is often noticeable when eating other beans. I served them for supper one night, sampling a small dish of beans several times while adjusting the recipe, eating a larger portion with my meal and eating leftovers for at least another day and a half. I could not even tell that I had eaten beans as I sometimes get indigestion and never did with these beans.
The Anasazi bean is also called the Aztec bean, Cave bean, New Mexico appaloosa and sometimes Jacob's Cattle. It is a 1,500 year old variety. The legend of this bean goes that in the 1980's a member of an archeological team from UCLA was looking for remains of Pygmy elephants that roamed the earth thousands of years ago in the area now known as New Mexico and came upon these beans. The beans were in a clay pot sealed with pine tar and were determined by radio carbon dating to be over 1,500 years old, yet some still germinated!
This attractive dark-red and white bean cooks in about 2/3 the time of an ordinary pinto bean to a creamy even pink color. It has a sweet mild full flavor and a creamy texture. It can be used in any dish but is often preferred for Chili, Mexican, or Native American dish In comparison this bean contains only 25% of the specific complex carbohydrates sometimes responsible for gastric distress associated with dry beans- so, less gas, so it is easier to digest.
I purchased these beans from the IFA store – I know; who knew you could buy beans from a farm supply store? I have since found that you can buy them from most food storage suppliers.
I’m sharing a couple of different recipes that these beans are great in. The first uses ham or bacon and the second recipe is made with ground beef. Try these recipes or experiment with some of your own favorite bean recipes. If you find that you have a favorite way to use them, please share so we can all experiment.
Anasazi Bean and Cabbage Soup
I loved the cabbage in this soup. It added texture as well as more nutrition.
2 c. Anasazi beans, sorted and washed (Soak if desired or if you are in a hurry)
1 c. diced celery
1 c. diced carrots
1 c. diced onions
2 c. very finely chopped cabbage
2 c. diced ham
8 c. water (add ham stock or ham juice as part of the liquid if you have it- ham hocks, heels of the ham and ham bouillon also add so much flavor)
2 T. dried parsley
1 T. garlic powder
2 t. onion powder
2 bay leaves
Fresh ground pepper to taste
Salt to taste
½ c. brown sugar
½ c. ketchup or tomato sauce
Vinegar for serving
In a large crock pot place all ingredients except salt, brown sugar and ketchup. Cook on low about 8 hours or on high 5 hours – depending on how hot your crock pot cooks. When beans begin to get soft, add salt – to your taste. Add sugar and ketchup and continue cooking at least 30 minutes. Serve with cider or balsamic vinegar if desired.
Western Hospitality Beans
1 ½ c. Anasazi beans
3 c. water
½ - 1 lb. ground beef, cooked and drained
½ c. chopped onion
½ c. chopped green pepper
1 c. reserved liquid
1 can (8 oz.) tomato sauce
½ c. brown sugar
¼ c. ketchup
Salt and pepper to taste
Suggested toppings: Shredded cheese, chopped onion, sour cream, crushed corn chips, crumbled cooked bacon or salsa
Soak beans in water for 3-4 hours. In a crock pot add beans, water, cooked ground beef, pepper and onion. Cook beans for several hours – depending on how fast or slow your crock pot cooks. When beans are tender, add tomato sauce, ketchup brown sugar and salt and pepper to taste. Simmer a few more minutes.
TO Serve: Eat as is or scoop with chips and add any desired toppings to individual serving dishes.
I've never heard of this bean but I am definitely going to try it. I love beans of any kind and they are so good for you. Thanks for sharing about them.
These are great. High protein & lower carb. They grow them around here. You can order them here.
Happy monday, god bless you
Cara Mengatasi Anak Susah Makan
Have a nice day
Walatra Sehat Wasir
Have a nice day
Obat Herbal Kanker Kelenjar Getah Bening
So far so good
Walatra Spirulina Kapsul Original
I am very happy to be here
Produk Penggemuk Badan Herbal Untuk Dewasa
Friday is pray day
Pantangan Makanan Untuk Penderita Kelenjar Getah Bening
Hopefully given the smoothness in getting sustenance
Obat Kapsul Untuk Rematik
Happy weekend, may be given abundant sustenance
Obat Herbal Untuk Menyembuhkan Hepatitis Dengan Cepat
Hopefully that is expected to come true
Cara Mengatasi Leher Kaku
Have a good day
Cara Mengobati Tumor Buli Secara Alami
I am very happy to visit your site
Obat QnC Jelly Gamat Untuk Menyembuhkan Penyakit Gula
Happy weekend,Obat Tradisional Untuk Sakit Lambung
Happy Monday, Monday money day
Cara Mengobati Infeksi Saluran Kemih Pada Ibu Hamil
I really hope to always update the article
Ramuan Tradisional Untuk Mengobati Rematik
Happy Weekend & Happy Saturday Night
Obat Herbal Penurun Kolesterol Terdaftar BPOM
I am very lucky to be able to visit here
Obat Herbal Pembersih Paru Paru Perokok Murah BPOM
May be a blessed Friday
Cara Pemesanan Walatra Propolis Brazil
Thankful for the sustenance
Cara Mengobati Tipes Dan Maag
Start the Day With The Positive
Obat Herbal Untuk Mengeringkan Luka Jahitan Pasca Melahirkan
Obat Sakit Kulit Psoriasis Secara Alami
Hopefully blessed
Cara Menghilangkan Benjolan Di Kepala Tanpa Operasi
Unbeatable blessing
Cara Mengobati Lutut Sakit Akibat Benturan
I am very lucky to be able to visit here
Obat Tipes Yang Aman Untuk Anak
Hope it works smoothly
Obat Penghancur Batu Di Saluran Kemih
Hope can be given patience and kindness
Cara Mengatasi Gout Secara Alami
May be bestowed a lot of sustenance
Cara Mengatasi Luka Gangren Secara Alami
Cara Mengatasi Sakit Ketika Buang Air Kecil
Hope can be better in the future
Cara Mengobati Anak BAB Berdarah
Cara Mengobati Asma Bronkial Secara Alami
May be bestowed with blessings
Cara Mengatasi Linu Pada Persendian
I am very happy to be here
Cara Mengatasi Tulang Lutut Sakit Akibat Terjatuh
I hope you can visit back my website
Obat Tetes Untuk Mengeringkan Luka Bernanah
Continue to struggle in seeking blessings
Herbal Untuk Meringankan Sakit Pada Sendi
Cara Mengatasi Ruam Popok Pada Bayi
Hopefully blessed many blessings in seeking sustenance
Cara Mengatasi Sulit Menelan Akibat Radang Tenggorokan
Hopefully given the ease and smoothness
Walatra Black Garlic
Hopefully blessed many blessings in seeking sustenance
Cara Mengobati Sakit Gusi Akibat Panas Dalam
Walatra Propolis Brazil
I am very grateful for what I have got
Pengobatan Sinusitis Dengan Herbal
Obat Asam Urat Herbal Murah Di Apotik
I am very grateful for the blessings that have been given
Cara Mengobati Kaki Bengkak Akibat Asam Urat
Hopefully it will be facilitated in all its affairs
Pengobatan Eksim Agar Tidak Kambuh Lagi
Obat Oles Untuk Eksim Di Apotik
Hopefully given convenience
Obat Untuk Penyakit Maag Yang Menahun
Hopefully it can produce more from now on
Obat Rematik Herbal Tanpa Efek Samping
Hopefully it's easy to get the sustenance
Cara Mengobati Penyakit Lambung Yang Menahun
Obat Alami Untuk Menyembuhkan Tipes dan Lambung
Obat Benjolan Di Leher Yang Aman Untuk Anak
Friday is pray day
Cara Mengobati Sakit Gigi Yang Sering Kambuh
Hopefully given convenience
Obat Asam Lambung Yang Cocok Untuk Lansia
Obat Radang Sendi
Given the fluency to get the best
Obat Yang Bagus Untuk Mengeringkan Luka Berair
Cara Mengobati Penyakit Lambung Yang Menahun
happy weekend and happy holiday
Obat Alami Radang Tenggorokan Akibat Asam Lambung
Cara Mengobati Dispepsia Secara Alami
Obat Tipes Herbal Untuk Anak
Have a good day
Cara Menurunkan Trigliserida Tinggi Secara Alami
I am hoping for a nice blessing
Obat Herbal Untuk Mengobati Gondok Dalam
Hopefully the best way is given
Obat Gondok Yang Cocok Untuk Anak
Your article had provided me with another point of view on this topic. I had absolutely no concept that things can possibly work on this manner as well. Thank you for sharing your opinion
cara menghilangkan bekas koreng
cara mengobati infeksi ginjal
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