Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year!

When I think of the New Year, I first think of new beginnings and new goals or resolutions. I don’t usually make a lot of New Year’s Resolutions because it is too depressing when I break them. I do however, like to choose some things – I refer to them as New Year’s Projects – that I want to complete during the year. This way, it is easier because it isn’t something I have to do every day or else I’ve broken my resolution and will never start it again.

This year I decided to choose some preparedness projects that I want to work on during the year. Some things I may have been putting off or just not really thought about doing. I’ve made a list of 10 “projects” I want to complete in 2011 – maybe if I get these done I’ll even add more. (To be honest, I think I have already added more.)

I chose a couple of tough ones – things that are tough for me or that I easily procrastinate. Hopefully I’ll get involved in them this year and wonder why I ever put them off. One of the big projects I finished in 2010 was to organize all my food storage information into one place. It turned out being 3 binders but I love knowing where to find things I have saved for years and never really had a place for.

In my blog this year I’ll be talking more – lots more – about the importance of organization in food storage. There are many different ways to organize but I’ll write some of what has worked for me. I hope that everyone will choose some preparedness projects they want to work on this year. I’d love to hear what you are working on in your preparedness or food storage. I love to hear ideas and suggestions. Also if you have anything specific that you’d like information on I’ll see if I can find it for you. Feel free to leave a message or email me at for any comments or questions you might have. I’d also like to hear what your goals for this year are. Please feel free to share. It is always more fun to work together on any project you are working on.

I will also be redoing my 72 hour kit. If you don’t have one yet or it is out dated, work along with me to get yours put together this year, one step at a time.

We will take an in depth look at some of the food storage suppliers, their products and what sets them apart from their competitors.

One thing I really need to work on is my first aid kits. I have one or two, they either are not fully stocked, or have had things removed and used and not replaced. They are not very strategically placed; need to fix that. How are your first aid kits? Do you have one in your car and in your home and some small ones in your 72-hour kits? We’ll work on that this year.

2011 Preparedness Projects
1) Re-evaluate 72 hour kits
2) Update food storage lists – what I have and what I need
3) Reorganize new food storage recipes and basic food storage information
4) Try at least three new sprouts and use them this year
5) Choose one new item not yet in my food storage and learn how to use it
6) Update water Storage methods
7) Construct some rotating can shelves
8) Try making and using wheat meat this year
9) Try at least one new gardening technique this year
10) Choose some new recipes for my short term food storage and gather ingredients.

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