Hopefully your wheat storage is ever growing. When we started storing wheat shortly after we were married, the only choice to store that had the proper moisture content was hard red wheat. Now that a new variety of wheat is available, Golden 86 or Hard White Wheat, wheat storage and usage has greatly improved.
The hard white wheat makes delicious bread, a lighter texture than the old hard red wheat bread that was typical years ago. Hard white wheat is easy to find now, in fact many people and providers prefer it to the hard red.
Hopefully you have a hand grinder in your storage. They are around $80, sometimes cheaper on sale and are a must for your emergency food storage. If you are lucky enough to have an electric grinder that is awesome. Put a hand grinder on your "soon to purchase" list. These little hand grinders have also greatly improved in quality in the last few years. They put out a high quality of fine flour great for making bread.
If you are a bread maker, you may already have a favorite wheat bread recipe. If you are hesitant to switch from all white flour to whole wheat, start with half and half and gradually increase the wheat flour in your recipe. Cookies are also a great way to introduce whole wheat flour into your diets.
Here is a great Whole Wheat Bread Recipe for you to try. This makes 2 loaves but you can cut the recipe in half for one loaf if you wish. Good luck.
Almost Perfect Whole Wheat Bread
3 c. warm water (110º-115º)
1 T. Saf Instant yeast (or other instant yeast)
1/3 c. vegetable oil
1/3 c. honey
1 T. salt
6 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 c. whole oats
1/4 c. gluten
(Mixer Method) Combine 1st 5 ingredients and mix. Add 5 cups flour, oats and gluten flour. Mix well. Continue adding the other 1 c. flour slowly until dough forms a ball and scrapes the excess dough off the sides of the bowl. Let mix for 5-10 minutes. While mixing, preheat oven to 125º. Oil the counter surface and your hands. Put dough on oiled surface and slice with a knife into 2 large or 3 small loaves. Pat dough down and roll into loaf shape, and put into greased bread pans. Turn off oven, cover loaves loosely with plastic wrap and put in warmed oven to rise till double (45-60 minutes). Remove loaves from oven, preheat to 350º. Bake loaves for 25-30 minutes, or till loaves sound hollow when thumped. Remove from pans immediately and place on wire cooling rack. Dough can be mixed and kneaded by hand instead of using bread mixed if you desire. Serve warm with honey butter or fresh strawberry jam.
1 comment:
I was talking to a friend the other day who was telling me how much she loves her Kitchen Aid wheat grinder attachment. She grinds wheat and makes her own bread every week.
P.S. Why is the bread "almost" perfect? :)
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